Corrosion Management and Monitoring Systems

Luna Labs' Corrosion Management and Monitoring Systems incorporate multi-modal measurements using advanced, long-lasting sensors and techniques capable of autonomously monitoring environmental and corrosivity parameters.

Aircraft Corrosion Management- Luna’s Acuity LS system provides continuous individual aircraft tracking of environmental severity and corrosivity. Acuity LS yields unprecedented asset tracking for fleet management to improve inspection efficiency and maintenance effectiveness resulting in reduced costs and increased aircraft availability.

涂料和腐蚀测试- Luna’s CorRES and Acuity LS systems provide fundamental advancements in materials testing. Our systems quantify coating and material performance in real-tme, using quantitative and continuous measurements of corrosion rates and protective properties.

Corrosivity and Environmental Severity Monitoring- Luna enhances confidence in corrosion test methods by correlating environmental severity between various accelerated corrosion tests, outdoor exposure sites and operational service environments. Using patented and standardized electrochemical measurements (ISO 22858:2020), the Acuity LS and CorRES systems provide a single, common measurement technique for all environments.

  • Acuity LS
    • TheAcuity LSsystem is a best-in-class solution for autonomous measurement of environment and corrosion parameters. Our devices are compact, durable, and ruggedized to withstand harsh operational environments while mounted directly onto high-value assets. Luna’s C-DAT analysis software overlays environmental conditions and corrosion rates as a function of time, providing quick analysis of corrosive trends and individual corrosive events.
    • Acuity LS Data Sheet
    • Acuity LS Operating Manual
  • corr
    • Thecorrsystem is a fundamental advancement in materials testing, providing continuous measurement of materials performance, corrosivity, and environmental conditions in accelerated test chambers and at outdoor exposure sites.
    • Docking Platform:多传感器数据采集解码平台在内部保存数据并定期将记录数据发送到连接的计算机。校正对接平台连续连接到电源,可以是计算机或校正可充电电池模块。该系统在苛刻的加速室和严重的户外暴露位点进行粗鲁化以进行操作。
    • Multi-sensor panels (MSP):Consumable test panels for the CorRES system that are equipped with electrochemical corrosion sensors. Either used bare, or with a coating, MSPs enable continuous measurement of corrosion rates, surface contaminants, and coating degradation (barrier properties). Up to three MSP are combined with a CorRES docking platform to provide a complete solution for advanced materials testing.
    • corrTechnology Overview
    • ASTM STP1609, 2019: “Electrochemical Sensors for Continuous Measurement of Corrosion and Coating System Performance in Outdoor and Accelerated Atmospheric Tests”
    • corrOperating Manual
  • Questions? Contact Us


    电话:(434) 220-2509