设计验证使用纤维选择翼变形ic Distributed Sensing
Josiah Fee

在一份发表于最近的AIAA SCITECH会议上,代表德尔福特理工大学和Fraunhofer建筑物理研究所设计,制造和测试了功能,无缝,变形领先的领先示范器,其采用致动器机构和航空弹性翼型肌肤。。使用(FEM)分析工具进行预测菌株的分析,结果与Luna的实验数据进行了比较ODiSIB distributed fiber optic sensing system. In order for a morphing leading edge to be feasible for safe flight, it is essential that the morphing is caused by bending of the airfoil as opposed to stretching. It was therefore important for the researchers to measure a continuous strain profile along the perimeter of the airfoil. Fiber optic sensors were lined along the inside and outside of the airfoil in order to differentiate between axial and bending strains. Strain analysis showed that once the inner strain was negated, the strain values were nearly identical along the inside and outside of the foil. This indicated that wing morphing was in fact due to bending, validating their design principles.

这些类型的测量与传统的点感测方法不实用,这些方法无法提供设计工程师所需的分辨率,这些方法在具有高度未知的方向技术上工作的设计工程师。基于瑞利反向散射技术的ODISI B能够使用由未嵌入的光纤电缆构成的传感器,并且可以提供高密度应变测量值,下降至1.28 mm的空间分辨率,并且具有20米的最大感测长度。ODISI B有四种用户可选择的操作模式,可根据测试要求优化采样率,传感器长度和空间分辨率。使用ODISI B捕获的数据可以是实时观察或捕获的后处理和数据分析。有关更多信息,可以访问全文这里。Reference: J. Sodja, M. Martinez , R. de Breuker, J. Simpson那2015年6月,美国航空航天科技论坛的美国航空公司科技论坛研究所的“实验评价”。